


Undergrad at the University of London, England

Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine

When I attended Emanuel School, one teacher thought that Physics was my best subject, I enjoyed Chemistry the most, and I would get my best grades in Mathematics. Therefore, I wanted to go to university and study a subject which combined all three disciplines. After going to an open house at University College's Department of Chemical Engineering, I wrote a letter to the Institution of Chemical Engineers, to ask for information on careers in Chemical Engineering. Dad held Imperial College in very high regard. My school grades were good enough to gain admission. I'm glad that they were, because I enjoyed my undergraduate days, despite the intensity of the course, and the long hours needed to succeed. The title of the video below, "Where It All Begins (Imperial)," was true for me.


World Rankings

The information in the list above was obtained from Imperial College's website (Imperial, n.d.).